Keeping chickens is a rewarding experience, but it can also be intimidating for new owners.
To help you get off on the right foot, here are eight common mistakes that beginner chicken owners make—and how to avoid them.

1. Not Providing Enough Space
Chickens need plenty of room to roam and plenty of fresh air. The general rule of thumb is that each chicken should have 10 square feet of outdoor space and 3-5 square feet of indoor space. If your chickens don’t have enough room, they can become stressed or even start fighting with each other!
2. Not Protecting from Predators
Foxes, hawks, cats, and other animals can all pose a threat to your chickens. Make sure to build a secure fence around your coop and run so that predators can’t get in. You should also consider adding motion-activated lights or scarecrow devices to further protect your chickens from harm.
3. Not Cleaning Regularly
Chicken coops need regular cleaning or else they will become unhealthy environments for your chickens. You should clean out the coop every two weeks and replace the bedding with fresh material such as straw or wood shavings. This will help keep your chickens healthy by reducing bacteria and parasites in the coop environment.
4. Feeding Too Much
Overfeeding can lead to an unbalanced diet for chickens, which can cause health problems such as obesity and egg production issues. In addition, overfeeding increases the amount of waste produced by the chickens which means more frequent cleaning of their enclosure is required! Stick to a balanced diet when feeding your chickens and make sure not to overfeed them!
5. Not Giving Them Enough Water
Water is essential for keeping your flock healthy; it helps promote digestion, hydration, egg production, and overall well-being! Make sure you give them access to fresh water at all times—it’s best if you provide multiple sources throughout the day so that they always have access when thirsty or hungry!
6. Not Monitoring Their Health
It’s important that you regularly monitor their health so that any potential issues can be identified early on before they become serious problems! Look out for signs such as lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss/gain, decreased egg production etc., as these could indicate underlying health problems that require attention from a vet or poultry specialist!
7. Not Giving Them Enough Stimulation
Chickens need stimulation just like any pet does - if kept in one area constantly without enrichment then boredom will set in quickly leading to stress & behavioural problems down the line! Give them things like hay bales & logs to scratch on/play with as well as providing extra treats like mealworms & sunflower seeds throughout the day - this will keep them happy & entertained!
8. Not Knowing What Type Of Breeds Are Best For Your Environment And Climate
Different breeds of chicken require different levels of care depending on their environment needs - do some research into what type would be best suited for where you live so you know what type you need before buying chicks or eggs! This will ensure they are comfortable in their surroundings while protecting them from potential diseases/illnesses due to extreme weather conditions etc.
Taking care of chickens isn't always easy—but with some knowledge and preparation beforehand it doesn't have to be too difficult either!
By avoiding these beginner mistakes listed above, you'll be well on your way towards having a successful flock in no time at all! With proper preparation and ongoing maintenance you'll have happy & healthy hens providing delicious eggs year round - enjoy!