Chickens are a common domesticated bird kept by many around the world, not only as farm animals but also as pets.
You could be concerned that your hen has a problem or that your handling of her has been improper. Not to worry! Let's look at what is going on; it could not be a significant issue.
Reasons Why Chickens Lay Eggs Without Shells
Each year, many strange things happen on farms across the United States. One of these strange occurrences is when a chicken lays an egg without a shell.
While it may be alarming to find an egg without a shell, there are actually a few reasons why this may happen.
There are three primary reasons why chickens may lay eggs without shells:
- The hen is too young and her body is not yet ready to produce a hard shell
- The hen is not getting enough calcium in her diet
- The hen is under too much stress
Other Factors:
Diseases. It's time to think about poultry illnesses as a potential reason if the environment is really not that hot, your chickens are eating a nutritious diet, and far more than at least 1 hen is laying shell-less eggs. It might be difficult to identify because a number of illnesses can cause eggs to have only a thin shell or none at all.
Predators. During rest, hens' bodies produce new eggs. Occasionally eggs can be produced without shells if, for whatever reason, they are disturbed by a predator's visit in the middle of the night.
Too old. These kinds of eggs may begin to be laid by older chickens as a result of aging naturally.
The stress levels of your hens can be dramatically influenced by their living circumstances. One situation is when chickens must coexist with several other chickens and occasionally other animals while vying for resources like food, shelter, and water.
Chickens need a proper balance of nutrients to lay eggs with hard shells. If something is lacking in their diet, it can lead to soft-shelled or shell-less eggs.
For example, if a chicken does not have enough calcium in her diet, she will not be able to produce strong eggshells. Similarly, if a chicken is under a lot of stress, her body may not be able to properly produce shells for her eggs.
Are They Safe To Eat?

Eggs with a soft shell or a thin shell are safe to eat because they are otherwise healthy. If the egg's membrane is damaged and polluted, if it has blood residues, or if the chicken frequently produces soft-shelled eggs, you should be wary of consuming thin-shelled eggs.
You may also fry them as you usually do. The possibility of the egg being harmed may prevent you from boiling it during cooking. To get the same result, steaming the egg would be a better alternative.
What to Do if Your Chicken Lays a Shell-less Egg
If you find that your chicken has laid an egg without a shell, there are a few things you can do.
First, check the chicken’s diet and make sure that she is getting enough calcium. You can also try to reduce the amount of stress in her environment by providing her with a consistent temperature and routine. Make sure layer feed is active for your layers.
They also require sufficient vitamin D. Speaking of nutrients, I recommend you to purchase The Honest Worm premium yellow mealworms. It is guaranteed-full with minerals, amino acids, and nutrients that will nourish your chicken’s diet well.
Try to minimize the stress on your chickens. Predators, heat, and loud sounds like screaming kids or barking dogs should all be avoided.
Finally, if you suspect that your chicken is sick, take her to the vet for an examination.
Chickens are great layers but sometimes they may lay eggs without shells due to lack of calcium or other nutrients.
By giving your chickens access to a steady supply of calcium , trying to reduce stressors in their environment , making sure they're getting enough vitamin D ,and having a balanced diet you could help prevent this from happening!
Eggs with soft shells are nonetheless safe to eat since the problem is with the shell rather than the egg inside. If your chicken's egg cracks within the hen, rinse it out with clean, sterile water and then take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Ps. Premium yellow mealworms are a wonderful treat to give your hens as they are a great way to give them a good and nutritious snack. These mealworms are loaded with vital elements including zinc, copper, and iron and are high in protein. They will support growth and egg production while keeping your chickens healthy and content. Since premium yellow mealworms are high in protein and should not be overfed to hens, it is vital to use them as a reward sparingly.