News — egg yolk

Why Do Chickens Lay Eggs Without Shells?

Why Do Chickens Lay Eggs Without Shells?

Chickens are a common domesticated bird kept by many around the world, not only as farm animals but also as pets. 

You could be concerned that your hen has a problem or that your handling of her has been improper. Not to worry! Let's look at what is going on; it could not be a significant issue.

How Many Eggs Per Day Do Chickens Lay?

How Many Eggs Per Day Do Chickens Lay?

The average chicken will lay around 200 eggs per year. However, most chickens will lay between 1-5 eggs per day, with some breeds laying closer to 7 per week.

However, many factors can affect how many eggs a chicken lays in a day, such as a breed, age, health, housing, and season

Read on to learn more about what affects a chicken's egg-laying abilities and how you can ensure your chickens are laying as many eggs as possible.


Are Orange Yolks Better Than Yellow Yolks?

Are Orange Yolks Better Than Yellow Yolks?

Egg yolks come in various colors, from pale yellow to deep orange. 

And while the hue of an egg yolk might not seem like a big deal, some people swear that orange yolks are more nutritious than their paler counterparts. 

So, what's the difference between these two types of egg yolks? And is one better for you than the other? Let's take a closer look.